Monday, September 1, 2008

CA Bay Area Labor Day DUI Arrests Down

It is September 1, 2008, and the news reports show that one (1) person has been killed with alcohol related driving. This is the same as last year. Over-all, however, police have arrested fewer people for Driving Uner the Influence (DUI) this year as opposed to last year. This year, so far, there have been 209 people arrested for being allegedly DUI. Last year at this time the police had arrested 246 people. You think think the high oil prices had something to do with people not driving this much this year?
However, the weekend dragnet is still out there, so if you drink and drive, make sure you read the tips section of my webstie at and protect your Constitutional rights. You might upset MADD, but then they have an over-tone of Communism, so who cares. After all, this is America.

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