Saturday, November 12, 2011

Protect Yourself From False Breath Tests Results

One of the most important things you can do right now to protect yourself from a false breath test result if arrested in a DUI case is get a specific physical examination. The test you need, and you should get before you ever get stopped and arrested, is called a "Bravo pH" test. Bravo is the newest and most effective acid reflux testing there is; it is considered the Gold Standard for people with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).

Did you know that many people, almost 33% have GERD and don't know it. In fact, most people that are over-weight and people who are over the age of 50, will have GERD and not know it. It is a simple procedure. They send a very small tube down your throat into the esophagus and take pictures for dis-colorization caused from acid which can cause cancer in the esophagus. However, once the Lower Esophageal Sphincter is damaged, even if you take medication that controls the acid, gas molecules are still coming back up from the stomach into the throat and into the mouth along with the molecules from the lungs and that is Regurgitation which is not allowed in California and many other States. The problems is that most doctors don't want to send you for the test because the insurance companies don't want to pay for the bill. They would rather put you on medication than spend the money to find the cause. This is especially true of Kaiser Medical Hospitals; they are the worst I have ever had clients encounter despite their great advertising. I had one client they would not give the test to because he did an endoscopy and did not find any dis-colorization, so he spent his own money with another hospital, and was 4 times the normal; so Kaiser was not medically treating him correctly, and they didn't even pay him for their negligent treatment that he had to pay for somewhere else. If you have not had this test before being arrested, get it as soon as you can after the arrest. Remember, this does not just happen over-night, it takes time to build up, and just because you are discovering it now does not mean you have not had the disease for a long time. The best medicine for this disease that I have found is "Nexium". While there are a lot of medications on the market, including generics, they really don't seem to do the same job as Nexium, but again, the insurance companies don't want to pay for the best for you. They just want to increase their profits. Nexium has the greatest results for people in my experience. You should review this information yourself so take a look at it as having this information available may save you from a wrongful conviction or from the DMV taking your driving privilege as they like to do in the Bay Area, Oakland, San Francisco, San Jose, and Pleasanton. Don’t let it happen to you if you have this disease. For more information take a look at my website

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